All new Level 3 Workshop now up and running!
Spend the day with psychic powerhouse Sue Nicholson -- see first-hand how she connects to the Spirit world and learn fascinating exercises designed to help you tap into your own psychic ability. The Sensing Murder psychic medium will help you to explore and get in touch with your six senses as she demonstrates how she sees, hears and feels Spirit.
Connect with your guides, learn to read auras and utilise other tools that bring out your unique psychic gifts to help you to make the right choices and decisions in life.

Workshops cost $260.00 Maximum 30 students in class
For nationwide tour bookings, please click here.
Daily Itinerary
Level One: An introduction to developing your psychic abilities
This is an introductory course where you will be exposed to various modalities of receiving messages from Spirit world to discover your communication style with the Other Side.
Outline of Day: 9:00 to 4:00
- Sue's journey to the psychic world
- Preparing to connect with spirit, balancing chakras
- Sue will personally open your third eye using ancient symbols and rites
- Pendulum exercises
- And what is the other side? Who is spirit? And how do they work with us on the Earth Plane?
- Personally meeting your loved ones, Angels, and guides
- Psychometry - demonstration, teaching and practice
- Auras - demonstration, teaching and practice
- Physically see Sue's guides "move over her"
- Oracle card readings
- Questions and answers
Lunch and tea break will be supplied
Level Two: Increasing your psychic abilities
Having experienced Level One and developed, practised and honed your psychic abilities, you are now ready for Level Two. This workshop will further develop your abilities and extend your learning.
For those with heightened spiritual abilities and regularly practice working in this field, you may be ready to advance directly to Level Two.
Outline of Day: 9:00 to 4:00
- Recap Level 1
- Preparing for Spiritual Connection - 3rd Eye, Chakras
- Higher energy with Zyron
- New Chakras - Earth Star, Soul Star
- Soul Journey, Past Life Meditation
- Card Readings Practice
- Archangel Healing
- "Whoosh Healing"
- Psychometry Development
- Automatic Writing
- Developing You
Lunch and tea break will be supplied
Level Three: Moving to a Higher Consciousness
Outline of Day: 9:00 to 4:00
- Introduction and Outline
- Recap Level Two
- Prayers: Why do we say them
- The New Age and Consciousness
- Tuning into Higher Consciousness
- Brain Waves and Meditation
- The Grand Portal - Chakra
- Akashic Record Meditation
- Crystals and Crystal Healing
- Clearing Negativity
- Communicating with Spirit - Precognition, Telepathy, Clairsentience
- Readings- Clairsentience, feeling auras, photo readings, past life messages
- Higher Vibrations
Please note that, depending on circumstances, a 50% cancellation fee will need to be charged.