Many people ask me whether everyone has a guardian angel, I can only talk about my own experiences. Everyone may have different beliefs about Angels and that’s ok.
I have always felt from an early age that there was someone watching over me and helping me when I was unsure about something. Sometimes when feeling sad, a reassuring voice would speak to me and make me feel that everything would be fine.
So who are these Angels?
– They are not our loved ones in the spirit world, they have never lived as humans.
– They love us unconditionally and are always by our side
– They want to help us and are waiting for us to start listening.
– They are our beings of light that have chosen to work with us before we come here to earth and will be with us until the end.
– I see them as beams of light but many people will see them in different ways. Angels have always been portrayed with wings as they come down from heaven. You don’t need to be a medium or clairvoyant to experience them around you. You just need to welcome them in and feel their beautiful presence guiding you and bringing you comfort, wisdom and healing.
Have you ever taken an action, it could be anything at all but deep inside you know you should have done it differently, or taken a different path? That feeling deep inside is your Angel telling you that you should have done it the other way. Next time you are faced with a similar situation, listen carefully to that still, quiet voice or internal hunch so that you have the wisdom take the right path.
As I work with people during my readings and healings I see them as different coloured beams of light. Every time a person enters my office I say prayers and evoke the higher angels. People sense a feeling of overwhelming love and peace. They often say, ‘Wow your room is amazing.’ Some people even start crying for no reason as the energy touches their soul and the peace and love enfolds them.
Our Angels are here to work with us and help us. By connecting and working with your angels they can assist you in so many ways. They can heal us on physical, emotional and spiritual levels. They can bring us inspiration, guidance, solve problems and help improve relationships. All we have to do is ask and have patience. Their purpose is to serve us and encourage us to grow and expand our consciousness.
There are a group of angels called Archangels, whose work is to oversee groups of angels and to work with humanity. I work with the four key Archangels and call them in before I start work.
The four key ones are :
Archangel Michael – The Archangel of protection, courage, strength, truth and integrity.
Archangel Raphael – The Healing Archangel, he will help to heal the body, mind and spirit.
Archangel Gabriel – The Archangel of guidance, vision, inspiration and purification, helping us to find our true calling.
Archangel Uriel – The Archangel of peace, tranquillity, giving, receiving, service and devotion.
Archangel Michael Archangel Raphael
Archangel Gabriel Archangel Uriel
When I was 19 years old I visited the other side (I will save the whole story for another time). I passed over for a short while but it wasn’t my time to go. Whilst I was there my angels taught me many things before it was time to come back.
What I learned was that there is nothing to fear from the other side, it’s peaceful and beautiful. There is no such thing as hell, in fact when you pass to the other side you have just left hell! Everyone is equal on the other side, you can’t take money or power with you, only memories and experiences.
One should never be afraid of passing. From my own experience I gained a much greater sense of peace and can use this to give comfort to those I help, who do not have long left on this earth plane.
When we leave this place called earth we are going home, back to the source from where we came. Death is just a another part of our being so that we can be reborn again to work through what we didn’t learn the first time around. Some of us come back many times. Each time we come back another angel is assigned to help us on our path and to assist and guide us to make the right choices this time.
So just remember, if you need help from your Angels, all you need to do is ask! You may first need to acknowledge your Angel, have faith that they are there for you and want to help you.
Let them in and let them guide you.
Good Luck!
Love Sue xx
Sometimes, you might just be aware of a presence around you, other times there might be a more obvious sign that someone is trying to reach you. Often you may hear something, feel something or see something out of the corner of your eye only to turn around and find nothing there.
Experiences like these can mean that you are receiving signs from the spirit world.
1. Light flickering/ bulbs blowing
Many people have unexplained lights flickering in their homes, or bulbs that blow for no reason. They replace them and they go again. There could be an explanation for this but often an electrician is called out only to find no fault.
I remember a time not to long ago that a lady came to me for a reading. Her husband had passed a year ago and he came in and said to me, “You will know it’s me as I am going to prove that I am around you by blowing all the light bulbs when you get home.” We both had a good laugh. She had travelled 5 hours to see me and when she got home she turned the lights on and all the bulbs blew out! She could not believe it. She phoned me the next day to tell me what had happened and I said, “Well you kept saying to your husband, I can’t feel you around me – show me that you are here and he did, in a big way!”
When the lights flicker it’s often someone from the other side trying to contact you, so just ask in your mind, “Who is this please”? A face or a name will come to you. Don’t dismiss it and think oh it’s my imagination just trust your thoughts.
2. Music Playing
Often people will hear a piece of music that reminds them of someone that has passed over. You may turn on the radio and hear a piece of music that was played at their funeral, it’s just them saying hello!
3. Room temperature changes
I ‘d say that this is the most common sign that spirit is close by. There may be a cold breeze or the room temperature might suddenly drop without a window or door being open. We are warm blooded and spirit is pure energy. Sometimes they will come very close to our energy field and this can be felt very strongly by some people.
As a child I remember the saying, ‘Someone just walked over my grave’ often used when a cold shiver was felt. In other words this is saying that someone is visiting you from the grave. You might notice it if you are talking about someone who has passed or thinking about them and you get the goosebumps – this is also their way of popping in to say Hi.
4. Numbers and Clocks Stopping
Sometimes people will look at the clock and keep seeing the same time over and over again – this can be at any time of the day. There is a number that’s being shown to a lot of people lately, it’s the number 11.11.
I myself kept seeing this and I asked spirit, “Ok why are so many people now seeing this number?” They told me that at this time of day or night there is a doorway opening from the other side and we have one minute to repeat over and over again our hopes and wishes, then the door closes. It’s a gateway of very high energy. The number 11 is a master number in numerology so putting it together with another 11 is very powerful. So, next time you see 11.11, you have one minute to think of all things positive.
Sometimes a clock stops, it may be at the certain time that someone passed over and they want you to remember them.
5. Number Plates
From time to time when we are driving and stop at traffic lights for example, we might notice that the car in front of has a number plate that reminds us of someone.
I remember a friend that I really tried to help, she wanted to commit suicide and in the end, sadly she took her own life. A few months later I was waiting at the traffic lights and I saw her face in my mind’s eye and could hear her voice. She said to look at the number plate of the car in front. Her name was BEV and there on the car in front was BEV, no other numbers or anything. I smiled to myself and said, “Yep you are there BEV.”
6. Butterflies
Butterflies are amazing creatures, their colours are just beautiful but they are not around for very long, like us we cannot live forever here on earth. When you see a butterfly, sometimes it means a transformation has taken place, a sign from a loved one that they have transformed over to the other side.
In Chinese legend seeing a butterfly can mean a soul has come to see you from the other side, so if a face or a voice comes into your mind it is the soul of that person acknowledging you and letting you know that they are around you.
7. Feathers
Often we will find a feather that comes from nowhere. At one of my shows recently I was talking to a lady in the audience and her husband came through. I said to her that he keeps showing me a white feather that he will give to you which will be a sign from him. At that moment, out of the blue a feather floated down from the ceiling and fell just in front of her. Everyone could see it as the stage lights were very bright. We were all blown away! She has since been to another show and spoke to me afterwards to tell me that this sign had changed her life completely and she was able to move forward knowing that he was ok and was there around her.
8. Shadows out the corner of your eye
Often when spirit is around us we see a shadow very quickly. It’s as fast as the blink of an eye. Sometimes it’s like a mist as spirits are not solid. Also we may see the spirit of our animals as they go to the other side.
9. Phone ringing once
This is a very interesting one, I have had quite a few people say they still have their loved one’s mobile phone and that their own phones have rung with their loved one’s number coming up on the screen. Spirit still thinks of their phone as their connection to you and that’s what they would do if they wanted to speak to you, but of course if you were to pick up you would not hear them. Sound on the other side is a very different vibration to the sound on earth and you need to really tune in to what you are hearing from the spirit would, which takes practice!
I often call myself the switchboard operator for the other side or the translator. I have had the ability to do this right back from my childhood, so to me it’s very normal.
Last year, I was talking to around 300 people at a spiritual festival. I asked everyone to turn their phones off. During my speech I talked about Egypt, the pyramids and the ancient wisdom of the Egyptian’s, along with their belief in the afterlife. After my talk had ended and I was leaving the room, a man stopped me. He seemed shocked and wanted to show me something. He said that he had turned his phone off as asked and when he switched it on again his phone was full of hieroglyphics and sure enough, it was. I was astounded myself but I have come to witness amazing things through spirit.
10. Orbs in photos
A lot of people are capturing orbs in their phones and cameras, orbs have always been there but due to the fast speed of iPhone’s and cameras we can see them more easily and mush more quickly as we no longer need to get films processed and developed anymore.
So what are these balls of light? They are spirit and they are just letting us know that they are around us. They can often be seen in family photos taken at birthdays, Christmas, weddings and christenings. They want to say that they are still part of the family but just in another world and that they have never really left you.
At my sister’s wedding in England many people had taken photos. At this point both my mother and my brother-in-laws mother had passed away. During the reception people were viewing the photos that they had taken and someone asked my sister what the two light orbs around both of out heads were. My sister asked me and I told her that it was mum and her mother in law and that they just wanted to be part of the wedding group.
I was 4 years old when I first saw spirit. I wasn’t afraid, just amazed that they would appear and then disappear. I’ve been communicating with spirit now for 56 years and I’m still learning what they are capable of doing, it never stops amazing me.
I often get asked how normal people can talk to the other side. It’s a two-way communication that requires lots of patience and practise and the ability to stop your mind from getting in the way. Sometimes you can clear your mind by going into a relaxation meditation, you should never be in a stressful situation when you want to communicate.
The thing is not to give up! Spirit has to learn to communicate as well. It’s something that will be learned on the other side but only if they want to. You may wonder why they don’t want to communicate with you? It’s not that they don’t love you but sometimes they need to heal and this can take a long time, depending on how they passed.
My best advice is to find a nice quite place in the garden, on the beach or just go into a room where you know you won’t be disturbed. To establish a connection, you can hold an item that may have belonged to them as it will still have their imprint on it, or perhaps a photo of when they were happy and well.
Don’t give up! Know that even though you may not feel them around you, they do come to you – mainly at night and as visitations in your dreams.
Lots of Love
Sue x
I have been captivated by crystals for some time now and have enjoyed using them in my healing work. They are not just beautiful they have the most amazing healing and spiritual properties too.
You can imagine my delight to connect with Karen Odell last year. Karen is internationally trained in the field of Quantum Physics and Natural Healing. She’s crystal crazy like me so we decided to join forces and set about putting together this stunning range of crystal transformers for the home and crystal jewelry that we can enhance like no other.
Our specially formulated quantum physics programs can be programed into your crystal to help with specific issues you might be experiencing and to assist you with your own journey of empowerment and positive change.
From the minute you connect with your piece it’s like a bond. It brings you a sense of peace, and a knowledge that things are going to feel better when being around it.
Click on the links below to discover more about our new crystals and jewelry range and the quantum physics programs we use to enhance them.
We hope you love the range as much as we do!
Sue x