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Sue feels blessed to have been given the gift that she has and wants to be able to help as many people as she can in her lifetime to facilitate healing in their lives. Therefore she has created the Spiritual Intuitive Guidance Readings to help empower and inspire all that have a reading to make the necessary changes to live a truly fulfilling life.

Sue believes in each and every one of you and your innate ability to achieve this and believes that our energy is best used working towards having the best life possible for ourselves…

Sessions are 1 hour long and cost $250.00

Sessions take place either:

– At Sue’s office in Lower Hutt, Wellington

– Via Skype during office hours

– During visits to towns and cities in New Zealand and Australia

Sue receive’s many requests for readings every day and only has limited amount of time available.  When appointments do become available they are announced via email and on Facebook and are filled on a first come first served basis.

Readings email notification 


Please note that when you click through to the bookings page, if you cannot highlight the date that you want, it means it is NOT available at this stage.to be notified when readings will become available please click the subscribe envelope above. 

Readings Button One on One


Readings Button Skype